Random NLCS thoughts from someone who was locked away writing and missed the game.
There will be no celebration tonight. No players shouting "This team grinds." or "That was huge!" or "We're sick of people talking about Kirk Gibson and '88. No comparison whatsoever. That's Hershiser's deal. Didn't you see Justin's eye roll on Sunday in the postgame interview? We just want to effing win for us so stop asking clown questions, bro!"- wait, those last ones were what they wish they could say.
At least the Cubs fans got to sing their song one more time. Last night they looked like a stadium filled with people wearing Bill Murray masks.
The visiting clubbies (no not Cubbies stupid auto-correct)probably had to move really fast to tear all that plastic down in record time. Being a production guy, I know it takes a really long time to set up. I wonder what kind of plastic they use? Did they adhere it with velcro? Masking tape? Definitely not duct or gaffer's tape, that leaves remnants when you pull it up. You figure since the Cubs know how to win, they would buy some kind of pre-made set or something.
The Hiroshima Carp and NPB teams celebrate in an area outside of the locker room, because they consider it a sacred place, just like the dugout and especially the field. No tobacco stains, candy wrappers, or spitted sunflower seed shells anywhere. The ultimate respect for the game. Starting tomorrow (2 a.m. our time), the Central League champions Carp are playing the DeNa (Yokohama) Bay Stars and the Rakuten (Tohoku) Golden Eagles are playing the Pacific League winning SoftBank (Fukuoka) Hawks in the ahem, (okay the 13-year-old in me blushes) Climax Series-a six-game set where the division winning Carp and Hawks already have a game in hand. While Hiroshima and Fukuoka only have to win three games, the wildcard teams Bay Stars and Golden Eagles have to win four games to get to the Japan Series. The message here? Win your league, get the rewards. Nuff said.
Anyway, back to America because it is America's pastime after all.
Did Farhan and Friedmann have to help them? Imagine some poor kid "Tommy, err Mr. Lasorda can you pull up that end?" The cantankerous curmudgeon's reply would most likely be "F*%)*% You! You *%)^%+%!".
How long does chilled champagne keep, anyway? Where do they get it? Duty free? Do the Cubs and Dodgers (and Astros/Yankees for that matter) work out a deal about champagne usage before the series starts? Winner buys!
Oh well, maybe tomorrow Dodgers or maybe longer. Who knows how long? That's why they play the games.